Writing With Molly
Hello and welcome to my blog! Three times a month, you will find new content on all things faith, reading and writing. My hope for this blog is that it would glorify the Creator and encourage the reader; I would love to have you join me as the Author writes both of our stories.
Jingle Bells: A Christmas Happy List
What the Stages of Writing and Musical Tempo Have in Common
Author Interview: Sarina Louise
A Reader's Wishlist
Encouragement For The Long Distance Friend
Loosing Control And Finding It (sci-fi flash fiction)
My 2 Year Blogging Anniversary: A Q+A
Fall Book Recommendations (blog swap with Belle)
My First Month In The Author Conservatory
Staying In A Hobbit House
The 'My Life In Books' Tag
Are You Tarrying? (article + announcement)
Author Interview: Brad Pauquette
2 Bookish Drink Recipes (part one)
'the white dress you gave me' by Ava Hope
Tips For Newbie Bloggers
To The One Afraid Of Their Future
Why I DNF Books (And Why You Should Too)
Joy In the Chaos: A Happy List
So, You Want To Write A Poem?