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  • Writer's pictureMolly McTernan

That's What Matters

Photo credit to Aaron Burden on Unsplash.


I want to be completely and fully honest with you, my reader. At the time that I was writing this article's first draft, I was looking through some of the statistics of my latest blog posts and had two that were fairly low in views.

Immediately, thoughts started to penetrate my brain. Things like 'All that time you spent on that post was for nothing' and ‘Am I really helping people?’ ran through my head. Later on that day, I suddenly stopped what I was doing, feeling so guilty, and started praying. Why? Because I had been sorely blinded.

Yes, the post might have had a lower amount of views, but it still had views, and that is what mattered. I should have been rejoicing that my work was even seen, not lamenting that it could have been seen by more. Because, in the end, it doesn't really matter if 2, 20, or 200 people read my articles. One minute can change a life, and I am blessed to have so many who support me.

That’s what matters.

What truly makes an impact is that someone sees my posts. And my prayer is that that particular someone was pointed to Him through my words.

Reader, I have no idea what you're going through right now, but I do know that this is something that everyone struggles with: comparison. It's natural for humans to want what others have, but we need to fight our flesh. As Galatians 5:16 (NIV) says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Remember that God created you to be you, not someone else. He has beautiful things planned for your life. I encourage you to just take a moment, look around you, and take note of all the ways that I know He has already blessed you.

Don't get so caught up in what others have. Focus on what He has already given you. Often, we lose sight of our blessings because we aren't looking for them in the correct way. They can sometimes be hidden until we humble ourselves.

If you do things with the intent to glorify His wondrous name, that is feeding the immortal instead of the worldly. And if you are able to help turn one person’s head in the right direction, that’s what matters.

That's what matters.

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