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  • Writer's pictureMolly McTernan

I'm Holding A Poetry Contest!

Photo credit to Nick Morrison on Unsplash.

Hello, readers! Eleven months ago, I set up my website and started blogging for the first time. As next month will be my one-year anniversary, I decided that I wanted to do something special… a poetry contest! All the information and details will be shared below:


  • What can I enter? Clean, faith-based poetry that does not exceed a word-count of 150. I will accept all styles and forms.

  • Who can enter? Anyone who is a newsletter subscriber and writes faith-based poetry may submit (but it has to be written by you: no collaborations or AI generated work)!

  • How many poems can I enter? I will only be allowing one poem submission per applicant.

  • When is the deadline? October 14th - the winner will be announced the following week.

  • What are the prizes? I will publish your poem on my blog and send you a signed copy of my book, Poetic Surrender!


I am so excited to be hosting this and can't wait to be able to read through all the submissions. Happy writing, everyone!

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Sep 23, 2023

I’m entering!!

Molly McTernan
Molly McTernan
Sep 23, 2023
Replying to

Yay! I'm excited to see your submission!


Sep 16, 2023

Wow, I'd love to potentially enter this!

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