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  • Writer's pictureMolly McTernan

Perhaps You Were Created For Such A Time As This

Photo credit to Jasmin Ne on Unsplash.


If you are anything like me, you are drawn to vintage items and antique ways. I have been told things before like 'you're an old soul trapped in a young body' and it's almost made me laugh. Yes, I may not fit the description of your typical teenager, but I certainly don't feel trapped.

That being said, there are times when I wish. I wish that people still went to formal dances and actually learned how to waltz. I wish that authors would continue to create their stories on rusty typewriters or with feathered pens. I wish that when I looked out my window, I'd see a horse and buggy instead of a sports car. I wish that every house had a record player inside instead of speakers with wifi.

But I don't want to get caught up in 'I wish's - I want to be grateful for the now. God is perfect and our job is just to trust Him and His plan.

When all I'd like to do is read a classic book or watercolor outside, sometimes I do feel a little out of place. I think that this is the case of others as well, particularly for writers or readers of old books. We might be rather content to live out in a cottage, the meadow grass swaying around us, a book on our lap, and a steaming beverage on a table beside.

That being said, God chose that you would live in 2024.

He knew that the world would be full of tech and innovation. He knew that you would have a yearning for nature and quiet. And He also knew that He would put you here for a reason.

In the book of Esther, a very quoted passage resides which ends with her being told that perhaps she was created as queen for 'such a time as this' (14:4). I think that the same may be for many of us. Yes, you may feel disconnected from time to time, but your Father wanted to have you living with your current family and friends, not with Emily Dickinson and J. R. R. Tolkien.

You are special and you are seen by Him. He knows your every thought and His ways are good and above our own. I am not here to tell you that you can't have a love for vintage things (I myself own a feathered pen and a record player as well as an assortment of old books), but I am saying that I want to encourage those who feel as if they were born in the wrong generation. You weren't, because here is where God wants you.

Perhaps, my reader, you were created for such a time as this.

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