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  • Writer's pictureMolly McTernan

Hike of Faith

Do you see that man? He is running through the valley, eyes focused on the mountain before him. Sure, the peak is miles up, but that is all he sees. He already anticipates the view from the top and so he pays little attention to the passing scenery. As the man runs, the ground begins to get steeper. His foot slips. He starts to slow his pace, knowing he has to be more careful. But he trips again. This time, he stumbles. Startled, he looks up and the peak seems so much farther away. When did that happen? He had been so close! The man stretches his ankle, rolling it around before continuing on. He treks through thorn bushes and get scratches all over his limbs. Such pain, but it will be worth it. He will make it. The man's foot snags on a rock and he falls. With a cry of hurt and frustration, he curls up into a ball. He can't go on. The man's eyes close. He is done. But wait! Someone dressed in white comes down from peak of the mountain! He walks straight toward the man, knowing exactly where he is. He asks him why he tries to do everything alone. The figure in white says that He has always been there, always waiting for the man to turn around and ask for help. The bedraggled man is lifted to his feet and, though he is weak, he begins to hike again. This time, he doesn't stumble, for the One in white goes before him and keeps him on the path he is supposed to go. Yes, there were times when the man stumbled again, but he never fell, for the Other was always there to catch him. Eventually, he reaches the top. It is a thousand times better then he could have ever imagined. And, standing before him, his Savior smiles with abounding love.

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